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E-learning in Vocational Training for the students having learning difficulties in inclusive education



Action: LEONARDO DA VINCI Partnerships

Project Reference: 2013-1-TR1-LEO04-48021

Start Date: 1/9/2013

Duration: 24 meses


1Jaitek Tecnología y Formación SL. Spain.

2Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work. Holland.

3DC Center Dariusz Cegliński. Poland.

The concept of Inclusive Education is based on the principle of keeping students with educational learning needs together with their peers in all grades and providing support services to ensure they have the same chance to learn. It is born of the ideals of Social Justice, and aims to ensure that education is truly for everyone. Today, e-learning permits us teach using differentiation both in and outside the classroom using electronic media. In this way, learning is student-centered and allows students a variety of ways to learn, at their own pace, when and where they want.

Inclusive education tends to be concerned principally with ´disability´ and 'special educational needs' and implied learners changing or becoming 'ready for' or deserving of accommodation by the mainstream. Today, students are being brought together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and education seeks to maximize the potential of all students. The concept here is that all have different needs, some are possibly more evident to see than others.

E-learning allows teachers to transfer skills and knowledge from a variety of sources, rather than simply teaching using a book or talking for hours – people are finally realising this is not the best way to ensure learning.

In the Elfie project, our target group is the students who have learning difficulties or special needs, although the materials often cater to all as they have been so well designed. Text that is larger on a presentation for example is good practice but often not followed, while other differentiated methods of design may suit others too, especially for those with undiagnosed conditions.

Students enjoying inclusive education are in a mainstream school but often require more time to process information and learn when compared to their peer group. As a result, they would benefit from extra activities, printable or e-learning interactive materials to better understand the subject.

The Elfie project offers some of the best material available on the Internet today.


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