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Flipping First

Flipping Framework Including VET Resources for Social Training

Program: Erasmus+

Action: Strategic Partnerships

Project reference:: 2016-1-ES01-KA202-025410

Start date: 1/11/2016

Duration: 24 month


1Jaitek Tecnología y Formación SL. Spain.

2Studio Twórczego Rozwoju. Poland.

3Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work. The Netherlands.

4Szalézi Szakközépiskola Hungary.


6Exponential Training & Assessment Limited. Reino Unido.

Web page: http://flippingfirst.eu/

FlippingFirst is a project funded by Erasmus+ dealing with Flip Teaching, an innovative method of learning. The project aims to use this innovative method in training of VET and new workers of companies, but OER developed could be of interest for other target groups as higher education students, and also 14-16 pre NEET (Not in Education, Employment and Training) as they might also be used for inclusive education and disadvantageous students.

Flip Teaching, also called Inverted Teaching is an innovative method in which the learning process is reversed. The learner gains knowledge by themselves with the use of audio-visual materials (e.g. films, animations or e-learning courses), and then in the traditional mode (with the participation of other learners and the trainer) practically implement the acquired knowledge e.g. for solving exercises and tasks. This approach is completely opposite to the traditional teaching process, in which the learner participates in group classes, and then is replaced to comply with homework. In addition, many young people gain knowledge in an informal way, for example, watching educational videos on YouTube, but Flip Teaching, in a sense, using blended learning methodology allows to gain systematic knowledge in a particular field.

Flip Teaching is starting to be used in formal education in schools, though teachers are not trained to do it and do not feel comfortable, so it is it is rarely used in higher education, and besides. In many cases, what they use is to send their students to videos available in Internet which they have no done. The method can maybe help to solve pre NEET to be leaving the system early and also, and also for inclusion and students with problems, as usually they are going to be more motivated to listen to a video, as it is their natural way of acquiring information and also, they can do it at their own rhythm, without having to follow the classroom speed. This project will allow for promotion of Flip Teaching for training courses implemented in addition to standard education in school or university. It will be used in the project for certain areas of knowledge, but can be used for training in many other fields (e.g. photography, science).

In framework of the project FLIPPING FIRST there will be prepared six training courses - 2 about teacher training, including learning the project Framework and the methodology, together with knowledge of active methodologies and Multiple Intelligences; other 2 courses will be about Entrepreneurship and Finally 2 courses about Tourism. This last 2 courses will also be offered by the partners to real Tourism companies, to prove they might be useful for their new employees. Flip Teaching is effective method, as the process of learning is effective when learner sees and hears the message and even more effective when learner can perform the acquired knowledge in a practical way. Considering the fact that young students are well acknowledged with digital environment and they prefer to gain new knowledge in this way, this method can be successful.

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