Mahara is an Open Source platform that permits us to develop an e-Portfolio system, that can be personal or of an organization to keep our career of archievements.
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The world is continuously talking about whole life long learning, and the reality is that the technologies bring us the possibility to do it at any age.
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We all have some webpages related to us, as a personal level or as a professional level. But are we careful at the time of doing the development proccess of...
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Elgg is an open source social networking engine that provides a robust framework on which to build all kinds of social environments, from a campus wide social network for your...
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We are involved of social networks. From Facebook to Twitter, crossing with the ones we can create with Worpress or Elgg, they can be very useful for us.
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Wordpress is one of the most used open source tools for creating websites because of its easy use and the large number of installations in all over the world.
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Moodle is an On-Line training platform that has many advantages for managing courses and learning proccesses, because it is based in Social Constructivism. Also it is a free platform very...
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Could you imagine having all your leaning history, professional and personal development available? Maybe you will need to talk with Jaitek for the making of your own e-Portfolio on-line, what...
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Single Sign On method, developed by Jaitek, which allows users to enter in different platforms as moodle, wordpress o google apps. This makes more difficult to forget user and password.
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